dear jess,

thank you for this! lots of value here!

this is really something: "The most I’ve gotten paid for a comedic song project is $25,000. The least is $0."

and THIS is really something that is very important!:

"One note about paychecks: I LOVE to talk about money and be very transparent about how much I earn on various shows, because it helps all comedians learn to ask for and earn more when we all do that. So, don’t keep your for pay numbers to yourself—it’s literally not worth it."

thank you for sharing!

much love


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Thanks Myq! I hope others will also be inspired to take it to heart. Let’s all be in that high earning bracket! One thing I remember hearing is comedians saying, “comedy is full, don’t be a comedian” because they don’t want the added competition. But I recall another saying, “There is room for all of us at the table,” and with the many micro-specific areas comedians are finding to work in, it’s really true.

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One thing though, I was doing some math regarding the average comedian making $60,000 a year... I looked up how much Seinfeld makes a year, and it might be close to $60 MILLION a year. Which means I think, if my math is right, that if there are one thousand comedians, most of them making ZERO dollars a year and Seinfeld making $60 million, I think that averages out to everyone making $60,000 a year on average!

Much love!

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Damn, that’s a terrible point :-)

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