Sitemap - 2024 - Jessica Delfino’s Museletter

What does your stand up stand for?

How to find and use your strengths [FREE POST]

The Best List of Comedy Tips Of All Time [FREE POST]

83 Awesome Job Listings For Comedians

5 Awesome Resources For Comedians

Comedians: Get Ahead By Giving More [FREE POST]

Are you a s.m.a.r.t. a$$?

Impostor Syndrome For Comedians

Are you willing to try something new?

A Hidden Comedy Gem in Astoria Queens + The All-time Best Networking Tip

Let's Talk About Dirty Comedy

My Pu55y Is Magic Removed By YouTube AGAIN, 18 Years Later [FREE POST]

A Little Late Night Love (plus an Easter Egg)

Should You Write Jokes About A National Disaster?

Science Proves That Lucky Charms Work For Comedians

Help Me Trouble Shoot What Went Wrong At Last Night's Show

Here's How To Write Your Very Own Solo Show THIS MONTH

Us Loner Comedians Need A Support System

How To Get Your Name Out In Comedy Beyond Your Comfort Zone

How important is performing on a stage to being a stand up comedian?

Notes From My Sold Out Birthday Comedy Show

Successful Comedians Do *This*, According To Science

Resources: Joke Writing Opps, Comedy Contests, Gig Email Template, PR Workshop and more

What To Do When You Get Rejected

Here Are The Birthdays Of Your Favorite Comedians

Is Now A Bad Time To Become A Comedian?

How Much Is The Comedy Industry Worth?

How Much Should You Get Paid To Do Comedy?

How To Do Comedy Overseas

Get Your Own Electronic Press Kit (EPK) FREE Inside Today's Post

5 Questions For A Comedian: Bob Eckstein

Everything You Need To Know About The Upfronts As A Comedian

Join My New Subscriber Chat

The Time My Wedding Was Featured In The New York Times Vows

Adding Another One To The Books: Camp Out's Holding Court Comedy Contest

Share A Joke That You Are Working On, Here, Now [Free Post]

Are Online Open Mics Worth It?

What's Wrong With You

17 Comedy Contests To Try Your Luck In

Story Hunting -- An Important Part Of Being A Stand Up

16 Publications That Want Your Jokes, One Liners And Funny Bits

Get Better At Being A Comedian In This Really Easy, Fun Way

Everything That’s Wrong With You


This Comedy Bookings Email Template Will Help You Get More Gigs

Hair and Style Tips I've Learned From Being On TV

How To Get Free Comedy Classes, Books, Tickets + Even Free Rent

5 Questions With A Comedian: Caroline Clifford

8 Great Reasons Why Every Comedian Should Bend Over Backwards To Fill The House

How I Got Some Of My Most Interesting Press Over The Years

What To Wear On Stage

Real Comedians of County Wexford: Rory Corrigan

How Did You Get That Gig?


5 Questions With A Comedian: Myq Kaplan

The Time I Was In A Movie With Woody Allen + Takeaways

The Time Russell Brand Tried To Make Me His Girlfriend

Nightmare Gigs: The Most Mortifying Things That Happened To Me In Comedy + Some Takeaways PART 3

Nightmare Gigs: The Most Mortifying Things That Happened To Me In Comedy + Some Takeaways PART 2

Nightmare Gigs: The Most Mortifying Things That Happened To Me In Comedy + Some Takeaways

Fun Facts About Your Favorite Comedians Making Money

The Time Katie Britt And I Met At The Playground

5 Questions with a Comedian: Mike Sacks

Here Are Some Sample Pitch Decks

Things Sure Have Changed Since I Started Comedy [FREE POST]

The Time I Crashed Howard Stern's 60th Birthday Party And Some Takeaways

Other Places Where It'd Be Nice To See Fortunes, Besides Cookies [FREE POST]

5 Qs With A Comedian: Ophira Eisenberg

What It's Like To Do Comedy In Prison

Notes From My Sold Out Show Last Weekend

What To Do If You Meet A Celebrity On The Street

If You Could Put A Comedian On A Stamp, Who Would It Be? [FREE POST]

5 Questions With A Comedian: Emily Flake [FREE POST]

The Time Tyra Banks Stared Through My Soul + Some Takeaways [Subscriber only post]

Real Comedians of The Poconos: John Grier [FREE POST]

The Time Janeane Garofalo Cried [Subscriber only post]

5 Questions With A Comedian: Dava Krause [FREE POST]

How To Get A Comedy Agent, Plus Contact Info

Real Comedians Of The Poconos: Chris Jones [FREE POST]

The Time I Roasted Ricky Schroder On The Eve Of My Wedding: 3 Takeaways

A Ridiculously Easy Thing You Can Do TODAY To Be A Better Stand Up Comedian [FREE POST]

5 Questions With A Comedian: Roz Chast

The Time I Spent The Night At Jim Norton's House For A Month

Real Comedians of: The Poconos

The Truth About Jim and Jeannie Gaffigan

3 Great Reasons (+ 1) To Start Your Own Show

5 Questions With A Comedian: Scott Dikkers

A Secret Story About Wil Wheaton and Thurston Moore

4 Ways To Barter In Comedy

The 5 Words Dave Chappelle Said To Me That Changed Everything

How To Triple Your Stage Time

5 Questions With A Comedian

The Story Of The Go Go Dancing Stand Up Comedian

Review of Casting Loop Class: 6 Casting Directors, 1 Night

My Appearance On Good Morning America

How To Be Your Own Publicist

What Is Your Plan?

A Secret Story About Kevin Hart And Me

What Do Comedians Do When They Get Sick?

Today Is Going To Be Good

Crashing SNL part 2

When Was The Last Time You Watched That Comedy Show That You Loved In College?

That Time I Did Something Unbelievably Fun (And Kind Of Stupid) And Crashed SNL's 40th Anniversary Party

Did You Do That Thing You Were Going To Do In The First Week Of 2024

Are You On The Right Track?

What It's Really Like To Work In A TV Writer's Room

Do You Ever Look Up Exes? How About Old Comedy Friends?

Who Is Your Comedy BFF?

Are You Doing The Same Things In Comedy This Year That You’ve Been Doing For A While?